b'Core Capabilities LOW-CARBON ENERGY FUTUREIntegrated Energy SystemsOf the 24 core capabilities identified by DOE as foundational to its mission, DOE acknowledges that INL has 13 core and two emerging capabilities. The acknowledgement of these capabilities highlights the exceptional breadth of INLs science and technology leadership that spans a continuum of basic andAdvanced Design and ManufacturingNuclear Reactor for Extreme Environmentsapplied R&D. Sustainment and Integrated Fuel Expanded Deployment Cycle SolutionsThese core capabilities are sustainedNUCLEAR ENERGYand enhanced through INLs LDRD projects. To begin demonstrating that the emerging core capabilities are intrinsic at INL, the LDRD program added the two emerging core capabilitiesChemicalSecure and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systemsand Molecular Science and Condensed Advanced computer science, Decision scienceMatter Physics and Materials Scienceasvisualization, and data and analysisstrategic scientific initiatives. Six projectsApplied materials science Environmentalsupporting INLs mission were approvedand engineering subsurface sciencefor funding in these two areas.Biological and Large-scale user facilities/R&D facilities/bioprocess engineering advanced instrumentationProject Selection Chemical and molecular Mechanical designscience (emerging) and engineering& Oversight Chemical Nuclear andengineering radiochemistryINL ensures that LDRD program goalsCondensed matter physics and Nuclearand objectives are aligned with DOEmaterials science (emerging) engineeringCyber and Power systems and electricalOrder 413.2C, Chg. 1, and that the LDRDinformation sciences engineering and integrationportfolio is managed with integrity andSystems engineeringtransparency. Project proposals andand integrationprogress reports are subject to multiple levels of rigorous review by subjectFOUNDATIONAL CORE CAPABILITIESmatter experts and senior leaders. The deputy laboratory director for science and technology reviews projectShowcasing Successrecommended for approval with the associate laboratory directors and makesOn September 9, 2021, INL hosted a virtualproviding all principal investigators with final funding decisions on the LDRDposter session showcasing the LDRDa presentation slot. Attendees included portfolio. Finally, DOE Idaho Operationsprojects ending in FY21. The virtual posterINL researchers, industry and academic Office concurrence is requested on eachsession mimicked traditional poster sessionpartners, external collaborators, and proposal and project continuing to theinteractions by facilitating chat accessmembers of the public. next fiscal year prior to project funding. to principal and co-investigators and by 11'