b'TALENT PIPELINE: Proof-of-principle was achieved by completing a series of imaging experiments Ariana Foley, student with known activity calibration sources and fission product doped spheroid at Oregon State University surrogate nuclear debris particulate on the micrometer to millimeter scale. These experiments determined the optimal imaging parameters and experimental setup to provide high-quality autoradiographic images. Further experiments determined that both autoradiographic and non-radioactive features could be distinguished from a single, rapid exposure using this method. These results establish that the methodology has a high potential to be a novel contribution to autoradiographic imaging technology as an alternative to conventional methods that may require multiple exposures, additional instrumentation, and post-processing to compare non-radiographic with autoradiographic images of a single sample. The investigated novel autoradiographic imaging method has the potential to benefit a multitude of autoradiography applications by shortening the timing for traditional autoradiography analysis of radioactive samples from the current 12-78 hours timeframe to the timescale of seconds to minutes while providing spatial information on the non-radioactive features within the field of view.71'